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Preds chairman Tom Cigarran puts the focus on the Stanley Cup

As a followup to the announcement regarding the local ownership group buying up the “Boots” Del Biaggio shares in the team, Preds chairman Tom Cigarran joined the Thom Abraham Show this afternoon to discuss the news and the state of the team going forward. You can listen to that segment at the following link:

Tom Cigarran on Thom Abraham Show 20100722

He answers questions about Brett Wilson potentially joining the ownership group, establishing stronger links between the Preds and the NFL’s Tennessee Titans, emphasizes over and over again that the locals plan on keeping the Predators in Nashville “forever”, and that their goal is win the Stanley Cup – not just make the playoffs again, or win a series, but win the whole damn thing. You can’t help but be impressed about his new role as the public face of the ownership group.

Hockey fans in Nashville owe David Freeman a tremendous debt for his hard work in keeping the team here during the dark days of 2007, but in terms of setting a public agenda and speaking on behalf of the organization, Tom Cigarran is off to a great start.

While we’re talking about this, I also wanted to point you to perhaps the finest post I’ve seen yet regarding the developments going on this week:

A Wonderful Wednesday ” Pull My (Fang)Finger
AJ perfectly captures the mood of longtime Predators fans, who can look at a franchise that is perhaps stronger than it has ever been before, both on the ice and off.